Different Types of Prenuptial Agreements: Law and Practice

Different Types of Prenuptial Agreements: Law and Practice

Different Types of Prenuptial Agreements: Law and Practice

Table of Contents

Legislation on prenuptial agreements

In Swedish law, the prenuptial agreement is mainly regulated by the Marriage Code (ÄktB). According to ÄktB ch. 7 Section 3, a prenuptial agreement must be in writing, signed by both parties and registered with the Tax Agency to be valid. The purpose of prenuptial agreements is to make exceptions to the statutory property regime, where the property of the spouses is, as a general rule, matrimonial property, which means that it must be divided equally in the event of a divorce ( Wikipedia ).

Types of Prenuptial Agreements

There are different types of prenuptial agreements depending on the wishes and needs of the parties:

  • Simple prenuptial agreement: This type means that the spouses have agreed that all property, both present and future, shall be separate. This means that the property should not be divided in a divorce, but kept by the respective owners.
  • Mixed prenuptial agreements: Here individual property is combined with matrimonial property. For example, the spouses can agree that certain property, such as a summer cottage or an inheritance, should be separate, while the rest of their property is matrimonial property.
  • Conditional prenuptial agreement: This means that the prenuptial agreement only applies under certain conditions, for example that a certain property must be separate only if a child from a previous relationship moves into the house.

Practice and examples

There are several interesting legal cases that illustrate the application of prenuptial agreements in practice. An example is NJA 1989 p. 614 where the Supreme Court held that a prenuptial agreement registered after the marriage was valid even though the spouses had a financial conflict at the time of registration. The judgment underlined the importance of the prenuptial agreement being clearly worded ( Wikipedia ).

Interpretation of prenuptial agreements

The interpretation of prenuptial agreements can sometimes be complicated. According to ÄktB and practice, the interpretation must be based on the common will of the parties when the agreement is drawn up. In the event of a dispute about the interpretation, the court can take into account the intentions of the parties and the circumstances at the time of the agreement. Important principles when interpreting contracts are that the more specific rule takes precedence over a general rule (lex specialis) and that later rules take precedence over older ones (lex posterior) ( Wikipedia ).

International perspectives

It is also relevant to consider how international rules can affect Swedish prenuptial agreements. According to EU regulations, the property relations of spouses can be affected by rules in other member states if they have connections to these countries. This may mean that a Swedish prenuptial agreement must be adapted to be valid in other EU countries, which makes it important to take international aspects into account when drafting the prenuptial agreement​ ( Wikipedia ).


Prenuptial agreements are an important tool for adapting spouses' property relations to their specific needs and circumstances. By clearly regulating which property should be individual or matrimonial property, conflicts in the event of a divorce or death can be minimized. It is important that the prenuptial agreement is in writing, signed and registered to be valid, and that both national and international rules are considered when drafting it.

This article has provided an overview of the different types of prenuptial agreements, their statutory basis and practice, as well as important court cases illustrating how these agreements are interpreted and applied in practice.


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