Reasonable Rent for Summer Cottage?

Reasonable Rent for Summer Cottage

Reasonable Rent for Summer Cottage

What is a Residential Lease?

A residential lease is a type of lease where the land is leased so that the lessee can build or maintain a residential building. The building on the land is owned by the lessee and is called a building on a free basis. Lease agreements for residential leases must be in writing and valid for at least five years, or during the lessee's lifetime. An agreement can be valid for a maximum of 50 years, but within a detailed planned area the maximum limit is 25 years.

Determination of Reasonable Lease

By law, the lease fee must be reasonable, which means that it must be in proportion to the value of the land and the benefits that the land offers. Factors affecting the fee include the land's location, size, accessibility and whether there are special benefits attached to the lease, such as access to a lake or other natural resource.

Examples of reasonable rental fees:

  • A lease fee can, for example, be increased if the value of the land increases significantly, but an increase of 140% over a ten-year period has in some cases been considered unreasonable without strong reasons.
  • If the lease applies to an attractive lake plot, the fee may be higher compared to a plot without such access.

Common Mistakes when Leasing

  • Written Agreements: Many lessees fail to ensure that the lease agreement is in writing. This is essential to avoid future disputes and ambiguities.
  • Termination of Agreement: Termination of lease must be in writing and in good time. If the contract is not terminated correctly, it will be automatically extended.
  • Changes to conditions: Changes to the lease conditions must be made according to the agreement and in consultation between the parties. Conflicts often arise when one party tries to change terms unilaterally.

Legal Disputes and Examples

A common problem area is when the lessee wants to transfer the lease or when the landowner wants to increase the lease fee. Transfer of lease usually requires approval from the landowner, which can create conflicts if this is not clearly regulated in the agreement. A famous case involved a landowner who wanted to increase the rent from SEK 5,000 to SEK 12,000 per year, which was considered unreasonable without clear reasons and led to legal review.

Legal Frameworks and Tenure Protection

Residential leases are covered by security of tenure, which means that the lessee has the right to remain on the land during the lease period unless there are special reasons for termination. This protection is designed to protect the lessee's investment in the land and home.

Frequently Asked Questions about Leases

Can the lease be extended automatically?

Yes, if neither the landowner nor the lessee terminates the agreement, it continues to apply until terminated in writing.

What happens if the value of the land decreases?

In some cases, the lessee may receive a reduced fee if the value of the land decreases or if the land deteriorates due to factors beyond the control of the lessee.

Is it possible to mortgage the building on leased land?

No, it is not possible to foreclose on the building as it is not owned by the tenant, which may limit financing options.


Determining a fair rent for a summer cottage involves taking into account several factors such as the value of the land, location and the terms of the agreement. A written lease agreement is necessary to ensure legal certainty and avoid disputes. Residential leases are covered by protection of tenure, which gives the lessee the right to stay during the contract period, but it is important that all changes in the contract terms are handled correctly and in consultation between the parties.

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