Lease contract Legal information
Short-term rental Agreement FAQ (Frequently Ask...
Short-term rental means renting out a home for up to three months and can be financially viable, especially in tourist-dense areas. A written agreement that specifies the rental period, rental...
Short-term rental Agreement FAQ (Frequently Ask...
Short-term rental means renting out a home for up to three months and can be financially viable, especially in tourist-dense areas. A written agreement that specifies the rental period, rental...
Lease agreement for Business premises - FAQ
Writing a lease agreement for commercial premises requires accuracy and an understanding of both laws and practical aspects. A complete agreement should include rental period, rental amount, use of the...
Lease agreement for Business premises - FAQ
Writing a lease agreement for commercial premises requires accuracy and an understanding of both laws and practical aspects. A complete agreement should include rental period, rental amount, use of the...
Residential Lease FAQ - Comprehensive Guide
A residential rental agreement is a contract between landlord and tenant that regulates the use of a residence in return for payment of rent, governed by the Jordabalken chapter 12...
Residential Lease FAQ - Comprehensive Guide
A residential rental agreement is a contract between landlord and tenant that regulates the use of a residence in return for payment of rent, governed by the Jordabalken chapter 12...
Subletting FAQ: A Comprehensive Guide
Subletting means that a tenant or owner-occupier temporarily rents out their home to someone else. Important rules include obtaining permission from the landlord or the condominium association's board, otherwise there...
Subletting FAQ: A Comprehensive Guide
Subletting means that a tenant or owner-occupier temporarily rents out their home to someone else. Important rules include obtaining permission from the landlord or the condominium association's board, otherwise there...
Different Types of Lease Agreements - FAQ
Housing rental agreement : For the rental of housing, either for a limited time or indefinitely, regulated by the Jordabalken. Premises lease : For the lease of commercial premises such...
Different Types of Lease Agreements - FAQ
Housing rental agreement : For the rental of housing, either for a limited time or indefinitely, regulated by the Jordabalken. Premises lease : For the lease of commercial premises such...
Leases and Leases: A Detailed Guide
A rental agreement is a legal document between landlord and tenant that establishes conditions for the use of a residence or premises for an agreed rent. Important components include the...
Leases and Leases: A Detailed Guide
A rental agreement is a legal document between landlord and tenant that establishes conditions for the use of a residence or premises for an agreed rent. Important components include the...
Lease Agreements and Lease Agreement Templates:
Explore our extensive collection of lease agreement templates at Mallbutiken. Here you will find legally correct and easy-to-use templates for both residential and premises lease agreements. Our templates are designed to cover all the necessary details and requirements, making it easy to draw up a binding tenancy agreement. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, our templates help you create clear and fair agreements. Download and customize your rental agreements immediately after purchase.
Lease agreement for Car Template - Word/PDF
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Residential Lease Agreement Template (English) Residential Lease Agreement Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Lease agreement for storage space Template Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Rental agreement for Boat/Jetski Template - Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Lease agreement for Parking Space Template - Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Garage Mall Lease Agreement - Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Lease agreement for Boat berth Template - Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per -
Lease agreement for holiday accommodation Template - Short-term agreement Word/PDF
Regular price 49 SEKRegular priceUnit price / per