Facility lease Agreement Template - Word/PDF
Facility lease Agreement Template - Word/PDF
- This template is provided in both Word and PDF format to enable easy and flexible rectification.
- This template is prepared in Swedish and designed according to Swedish legislation.
- Our templates are designed in accordance with current legislation and practice in each area to ensure that the documents you create are legally correct.
Product description for Facility lease Agreement template
A building lease is a type of agreement where land is leased so that the lessee can carry out business activities, usually by erecting or using existing buildings. This agreement is of great importance for businesses such as petrol stations, factories and wind turbines. Our facility lease agreement template is designed to meet all legal requirements under Swedish law and can be easily customized to suit your specific needs. The template is available for download in both Word and PDF formats, making it easily accessible and user-friendly.
Important Features and Content
§ 1. Landowner and Lessee
- Contact details: Full details for both landowner and lessee including name, address, phone number and email.
- Organization number: For legal entities (companies).
§ 2. Lease area
- Description of the land: Address, property designation and area.
- Map: Appendix with a map of the lease area.
§ 3. Buildings and Use
- Existing Buildings: Details of buildings already on the land.
- New buildings: Rights for the lessee to build their own buildings and rules regarding redemption at the end of the lease.
§ 4. Fees and Financial Terms
- Lease fee: Annual fee, payment terms and possible index adjustment.
- Building sanction fees: The lessee's responsibility for fees according to the Planning and Building Act.
§ 5. Lease period and Termination
- Contract period: At least one year, maximum 50 years (25 years within a detailed planned area).
- Termination: Written termination is required at least six months before the end date of the agreement. If notice is not given, the contract is automatically extended.
§ 6. Protection of possession and forfeiture
- Indirect possession protection: The lessee has the right to financial compensation upon termination, unless otherwise agreed.
- Forfeiture: Conditions for the agreement to be forfeited if the lessee does not fulfill his obligations.
§ 7. Force Majeure and Dispute Resolution
- Force majeure: The parties are released from their obligations in the event of unforeseen events such as war or natural disasters.
- Dispute resolution: Disputes are settled in general court with the district court as the first instance.
§ 8. Signatures
- Signatures: Formal signatures of both parties with date and place.
Relevant Laws and Regulations
The agreement is based on rules and practices according to the Land Code (1970:994). Here are some of the most important laws that apply to facility leases:
- Soil code, chap. 8: General provisions on leases.
- Soil code, chap. 11: Rules on termination and extension.
- The Planning and Building Act (1987:10): Building sanction fees and building permits.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What is a facility lease? A facility lease is an agreement where land is granted for commercial activities with the right to use or erect buildings that are essential to the business.
2. Which activities are covered? Common examples are gas stations, factories, and wind turbines.
3. How long is the contract period? The agreement must run for a minimum of one year and a maximum of 50 years (25 years in a detailed planned area). If no period has been agreed, five years applies as standard.
4. What does indirect tenure protection mean? Indirect tenure protection means that the lessee is entitled to compensation for losses upon termination, but does not have the right to have the agreement extended.
5. What happens in case of breach of contract? If the lessee does not pay fees or neglects the land, the agreement can be forfeited, which means that the lessee loses the right to use the land.
6. How is the contract terminated? Termination must be made in writing and served at least six months before the end date of the agreement. If notice is not given, the contract is automatically extended.
7. What fees may apply? In addition to the lease fee, the lessee may have to pay building sanction fees according to the Planning and Building Act if the necessary building permits are not obtained.
Tips for Using the Template
- Customize the agreement: Make sure all the specific details and terms for your business are included.
- Consult a lawyer: For legal advice and to ensure that the agreement meets all legal requirements.
- Document carefully: Keep a copy of the agreement and all attachments in a safe place.
By using this template, you ensure that your facility lease is comprehensive, accurate and tailored to your specific needs. It is designed to be easy to complete and comply with all necessary laws and regulations. Download the template immediately after purchase and get immediate access to a legally secure solution for your leases.
Som företagare har denna anläggningsarrendeavtalsmall från Mallbutiken varit ovärderlig. Mallen var användarvänlig och enkel att anpassa efter våra specifika behov. Att kunna välja mellan olika format (Word och PDF) var en stor fördel.
Tack för din fantastiska recension av vår anläggningsarrendeavtalsmall! Vi är glada att höra att mallen har varit ovärderlig för dig som företagare och att du fann den användarvänlig och enkel att anpassa efter era specifika behov. Att kunna erbjuda både Word- och PDF-format för extra flexibilitet är något vi strävar efter, och vi är glada att du uppskattade detta. Om du har några ytterligare frågor eller behöver mer hjälp, tveka inte att kontakta oss. Tack för att du valde Mallbutiken!
enkel att ladda ner och anpassa efter våra behov. Allt var tydligt strukturerat och lätt att förstå. Rekommenderas varmt till alla som behöver ett pålitligt avtal för anläggningsarrende
Tack för din positiva recension av vår mall för anläggningsarrendeavtal! Vi är glada att höra att du fann mallen enkel att ladda ner och anpassa efter era behov. Det är fantastiskt att veta att den tydliga strukturen och lättförståeliga layouten var till hjälp. Tack för din varma rekommendation. Om du har några ytterligare frågor eller behöver mer hjälp, tveka inte att kontakta oss. Tack för att du valde Mallbutiken!